Dept of Labour | Govt. of Manipur


The Office of Deputy Labour Commissioner is charged with the responsibilities of enforcement of 23 Central Labour Laws and 3 State enactments for regulating the working conditions of the workers and their welfare in Public/private organized/un-organized Sectors. The Department of Labour enforces various Labour Laws and facilitates workers to get wages not less than the prescribed wages fixed by the department twice every year as per the provision of Minimum wages Act, 1948. It also ascertains Gratuity, Bonus, Compensation etc. to organised workers under various labour laws. Apart from enforcement of labour laws, department also execute social security schemes for Migrant workers, Unorganised workers, Construction workers and some schemes especially meant for vulnerable section of the society like Child labour and Bonded labour.

Improving the working conditions and the quality of life of workers through laying down and implementing policies / programmes / schemes / projects for providing social security and welfare measures, regulating conditions of work, occupational health and safety of workers, eliminating child labour from hazardous occupations and processes, strengthening enforcement of labour laws and promoting skill development and employment services.